Sunday, July 07, 2013

Paywall for news

I decided today that I should pay the $25 monthly fee for online subscription to the Sydney Morning Herald. This will stretch the budget. 
Its not the best world's source of news, information or opinion. on-line or on paper. For world news I prefer The Guardian, which is still free. But there's little here on local events. I certainly won't pay for access to the Daily Telegraph. Compared to what The Australian paper charges online, the SMH figure of $25 appeared to be over the top.
Generally I only buy the paper about eight times a month, at a cost of $20. Considering the number of times I checked a story on line while the SMH web content was free, I would use their now barrier of free 30 stories a month, in the first week. So I guess i either give up my addiction to news, or give up some other luxury.
Such is life

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